Wednesday, January 26, 2011

UV What Does It Mean?

UV is short for Ultra Violet light or radiation, and is very harmful to us and everything around us such as our homes, autos, and boats.  So yes UV is harmful but what does it mean?  UV can be broken down into three parts: UVA. UVB. UVC.

UVA light travels in a up and down motion and mainly affects our acuity, how sharp we can see objects at a distance.  UVA can affect how colors are seen and also causes glair which can make driving a car uncomfortable.

UVB light travels in a side to side motion and causes our skin to burn.  Sun burn is very serious for our health and can be very painful and damage the skin.  UV protection is important in sun screens, contact lenses, and sunglasses.

UVC light travels in a oblique pattern and is a main cause for skin cancer.  Over exposure or being outside alot without UV protection can make you a higher risk for skin cancer.
UV protection for conditions can greatly reduce the risk.

UVA- Acuity
UVB- Burn
UVC- Cancer

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